We offer many services to relax the body, rejuvenate the mind, and re-energize the spirit


Reiki My Yoga Selection of Services

PRivate yoga session

A 60 minute one on one Yoga session individually tailored for your personal Yoga pace and goals. Priced at $65 for an individual session, or 6 for $325. Reserve

Reiki session

Reiki is a relaxation and healing technique that accelerates the healing process in different areas of your life including your mental, emotional, and physical body. 

Each private Reiki session lasts between 45 to 60 minutes depending on the needs of each individual client.  Reiki sessions start a $90 for a single session. Reserve

You can also reserve a package of  3 for $255. Here  

reiki my yoga Session

One on one private 1 hour Yoga session combined with 30 minutes of Reiki healing.  The intent of this session is to help you deepen your healing and spiritual transformation process. We deeply believe that integrating earth and universal energies into your Yoga practice enables you to reach higher levels of self awareness and helps you to rediscover and nurture your sense of well being. 

Single Session: $120. Reserve

Angel Therapy

Receive divine guidance and messages from your angels. During this session, you'll have the opportunity to ask two questions to your angels. Sae will guide you into a meditative state where she'll channel your angels' answers or the information that the Angels consider would most suit you at this point in your life. Also, if the angels request it, you will be able to have any etheric cords cut or release blockages that might be attached to you from past experiences or other people's harsh energies. This session is under the supervision of the Angelic realm assistance. You'll be safe throughout the whole process and by the end of the session, you’ll more likely feel clear, energized, and lighter.

Session lasts aprox. 60-70min.

Single session: $155. Reserve















additional services

This healing technique is supported by the angelic realm also. It is considered a higher frequency of energy. The practitioner, as well as in Reiki, will be channeling angelic energies to help you remove emotional negative patterns from past experiences stored in your physical and emotional body. This healing modality focuses on the meridians of your body instead of working with your energy centers as in Reiki. IET is a safe and gentle way to remove anger, resentment, self-limiting beliefs, stress, and even grief. At the end of this session, you are more likely to feel empowered, centered, and with a sense of well being.

Session lasts aprox. 60-70 min. $100. Reserve

Clear and balance your energy centers through the  powerful celestial sounds of the Singing Crystal Bowls. The feeling of the sound of the crystal bowls moving through you is absolutely amazing.  The sound feels tangible and people leave feeling cleared and free. One hour for $110. Reserve  

Angel Card Reading – 30 minute angel card reading, helping to provide divine guidance during times of decision making or uncertainty. $40

Distance Reiki – These sessions consist in sending Reiki energy anywhere you are. Since Reiki is Universal life force energy, it supplies us all at any time and anywhere. If you can't attend your energy session, you can also set aside an specific time where the practitioner will be performing a Reiki session just as well as if you were present in your physical form. You will get the same results of these sessions as your one on one sessions. $60 Reserve

Please note: We require that any cancellations must be made at least 24 hours before your appointment for you to receive a full refund.